Digital photo changed my life. After modest young-age attempts with classical photography, suddenly there was a chance to focus on what I always desired – animal photos. I started hanging around the cages and enclosures in Zoos, finding out what and how, and rejoicing above first lucky perfect shots. Digital photo changed my life. After modest young-age attempts with classical photography, suddenly there was a chance to focus on what I always desired – animal photos. I started hanging around the cages and enclosures in Zoos, finding out what and how, and rejoicing above first lucky perfect shots.
Covid enclosure found me sitting for hours close to my bird feeders, observing and photo-catching the beautiful flying creatures, discovering new techniques and technology. Close encounters with insects and invertebrates were mostly inspired by the incredible photos of Pavel Krásenský. Finally, time came to travel abroad, to see and save the exotic beauty of endangered birds, amphibians, fish and all animals, big and small (small preferred).